So, I'm still alive. It's quite hard to believe that due to the scarcity of my blog posts despite my constant promises to update my blog more often (Fun fact: It was even in my New Year's resolution, which I did inevitably break a day after.) My schedule's been quite hectic these past months due to school, projects, and all these deadlines, especially that finals are approaching I'd like to keep this blog post brief, as I have some really important exams to study for.
First of all, I'd like to address the fact that there are around 10 of you guys now. It may seem like a small thing for others, but it's a really big thing for me. This blogging thing is something unfamiliar and new for me, quite like uncharted territory. It's hard for me to believe that people would actually care enough about my life or find my posts entertaining enough, so thank you.
Also, it has come to my attention that several classmates of mine has found this blog (you know who you guys are). I ask you to keep this blog under the radar and not to spread the word about it. You guys can still peruse through it occasionally. It's just that privacy is something I value a lot in life, and I hope you value it as well.
I end this blog post with a wholehearted promise to update this blog much more often this summer vacation and a playlist I recently made on my 8tracks account. I hope you enjoy it!

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base photo source: somewhere from tumblr idk
This blog post is merely a product of a random spurt of inspiration, which seems to be a running trend in my blog. (whoops) I do apologize for the series of rambles above, as my mind may not be in its best state, a side effect of cramming projects late at night.